Receive, Reflect and Recharge
This women’s group meets about three times a year and gives an opportunity for spiritual reflection and growth.
We meet on Saturday mornings for coffee, conversation, worship, reflection and prayer.
A gift of time with old friends and new, and our heavenly Father who longs for us to linger in His company.
10.00-12.00, with drinks and pastries from 9.45.
It is open to all and dates can be found in the Calendar as they are confirmed.
For further information, contact Cathy Morling on 739906.
Jersey Methodist Women’s Luncheon Club
This is a circuit programme that runs during the winter months from October through to April each year.
Usually held at the Mayfair Hotel, there is a shared lunch followed by a presentation from one of our guest speakers on a variety of subjects.
Meetings are on the second Monday of the month from 12.30 to 2 pm.
The secretary for this club is Eve Morcombe. Call our office on 877517 for more information.