
Micah the Old Testament prophet challenged his hearers: “What does the Lord require of you?” and then he responded, “To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”
Those words are very close to our heart. They encourage a tough practical faith which engages in the care of the poor and works for justice.
We support a number of projects to make a practical difference.
Whitechapel Mission
Situated in East London’s poorest district, each day 200 cooked breakfasts are served for the homeless. In February 2014 a team helped out with the cooking and sorting of clothes. We hope to do the same again soon. https://www.whitechapel.org.uk
Action for Children
The Methodist Church’s Children Charity which supports Britain’s most vulnerable youngsters.
Christian Aid
An international relief and development agency which cares for some of the world’s poorest peoples.
Esperado Children’s Haven
The Church has been pleased to support the Esperado Children’s Haven since just before August 2006 when a party of our young people and adults visited to help with building projects.
The Haven was set up by Sophia Jardin in 1996, a social worker, in a small South African town (Barberton) to give a home to children whose parents had died from Aids. The number of children in her care has grown enormously since then and the ‘Haven’ is now an official foster care home.
They have had many difficulties to overcome: financial hardship, failing electrical supply, food shortages and lack of fresh water.
We have been able to help in many ways with a fresh water store, building repairs, buying and planting of fruit trees and payment of bills.
We now have an ongoing commitment to Sophia of £50pm to help with food bills and help with the occasional emergency.
To fund our support to the Haven we have held various fund raising events such as quizzes and car boot sales. We also have a regular cake stall once a month after Sunday service – many of us have enjoyed home-made cakes from this during the week!!!
Kairos Arts is a unique Jersey non-profit making group of arts therapists passionate about the potential to restore hope, dignity and worth through the freedom of the creative arts.
Cathy Morling (aka actress Cathy Sara), is CEO of the charity.
The overseas work focuses on offering workshops to young girls in Aftercare Homes who are survivors of trafficking and sexual abuse in Kolkata and Mumbai in India. This work is in partnership with The International Justice Mission, helping to transform the lives of these broken girls. The Methodist Centre hosts Kairos awareness and fundraising events here in Jersey, and may see Kairos workshops supporting vulnerable groups in the island in the future.
Kairos Arts also offers workshops using their approach to church and community groups to explore their unique God-given identity and discover spiritual insights through creative arts expression.
For more information or to receive a monthly newsletter visit www.talitha.org.uk or look us up on Facebook
Leprosy Mission
Anandaban Hospital is a specialist leprosy hospital in Nepal and provides medical services to 15 districts. It is the main hospital for leprosy complication management to a country population of around 27 million people. It also has a workshop which produces custom-made prosthetics and orthotics. http://www.leprosymission.org.uk
With other Jersey churches we are committed to raising £25,000 over three years.