
In any church there are many jobs to be done – from welcoming people, to making tea and coffee, from helping with property maintenance to leading worship. There is something for everyone and everyone can do something!
We are a friendly group who have a lot of fun. We are inclusive and would never want to turn away an offer of help.
Help is needed on a regular basis in our café. If you feel you have time to spare during the week and could help with this speak to Julie in the office on 877517.
Kids & Youth
Our children and youth work is growing and we are praying for more volunteers. Check out our Kids & Youth activities on the drop down under ‘What’s On’. Working with children is both fun and very rewarding. If this is for you call Sally on 877517. You will, of course, be asked to complete forms relating to our Safeguarding Policy.
Church Rotas
Check out our rotas for Sunday welcome, flowers etc. If you feel you can add your name here call Julie in the office on 877517
Building Maintenance
There is always a large amount of maintenance work needed to keep our building running well. If you have time and an aptitude call Julie on 877517.
Technology Team
Volunteers provide sound and vision for our Services. If you are interested in joining this team call Julie on 877517.
Street Pastors
Street and Prayer pastors offer a fantastic service to the street of St Helier. Great training is offered for this worthwhile ministry. For more details call David Wilson: 07829 740004
You may have other gifts to give that are not mentioned here – just give us a call if you want to get involved. Everyone has something special that they can offer!