
We believe that money is a gift and God calls us to use it wisely and to give generously. How we give is first and foremost an act of thankfulness in response to God’s gifts to us and there are Biblical principles and guidelines which help us to consider how we use our money.
In the Old Testament there is the idea of giving a ‘tithe’ (a tenth) of one’s yearly income for God, this may not be possible for some people and in the New Testament we find these words: “…for if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have” (2 Corinthians 8: 12).
We encourage three steps:
- A generous percentage of weekly personal income.
- Committed giving through Standing Order of the envelope scheme.
- For tax payers to sign a covenant that increases giving by 25%.
We have produced a leaflet “Money is a Gift”, which is helpful in approaching this matter.
View/download Money is a Gift leaflet
Also available is a Finance Response Form
And a Deed of Covenant and Standing Order (see below)