
Our aim is to encourage our young people to be ‘rooted and built up in Christ’ (Colossians 2: 7).
Contact Lou Hicklin 767459 or Marcia for further information.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Club 10.30 am
After a short time of worship with the rest of the Church family upstairs, the Youth group meet in the Youth room for their own games, activities and learning.
Youth together: Fun, Faith, Friends and Food!
Sundays 6 – 7.30 pm (usually the first Sunday in the month)
Monthly meeting for young people aged 10 plus held at the St Helier Methodist Centre playing table tennis, pool, table football and other games or during the summer they meet on the beach and play volley ball. Great fun.
A gathering for young people from other churches and those who do not attend church. Perfect time to invite friends.
Sometimes we have sleepovers in the Church, watch a movie on the big screens in church and even have trips to the Cinema in the VIP box!
Contact Lou Hicklin 767459
Technology & Gifts
We love to utilise the computer skills of young people for programming the computer, sound and projection.
The Youth are also encouraged to serve practically as they are not the church of tomorrow- they are the church of today.
Holiday Clubs
As announced – details also on our Sunday notice sheet.