
We have a growing and active Children’s ministry with many activities taking place throughout the week. Combined with the Café, the Centre offers a fantastic venue for parents and children. To find out more, contact Sally Vasselin on 613925.
Our aim is to encourage children to be ‘rooted and built up in Christ’ (Colossians 2: 7).
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Club 10.30 am
We have a great and growing number of children meeting on a Sunday – Praise God! After a short time of worship with the rest of the Church family upstairs, the kids’ group meets for their own games, activities and learning.
Rascals Groups – during term time
To know more about these groups speak with Sally or Ellen 877517
7Up Club
Is our monthly club for children aged 7 plus. Lots of fun games, pizzas and a faith-slot in the Youth Room.
Saturdays 4.30 – 6 pm.
Holiday Clubs
As announced – details also in our Sunday notice sheet. There are regular updates on all these groups on our Facebook page – click on the Homepage and have a look.